From Geyer Freres to Lorina, The birth of a brand.
Post war, a Peaceful France gets back to work. Selling & bartering.
Victor Geyer’s Grandson Auguste was a marine. He came up with the idea to name the Limonade :”Lorina” in honor of the Boat that helped saved thousands of british soldiers’ lives in 1940 Dunkirk’s beach battle.
The name Lorina was perfect because it sounded similar to the “Lorraine” region and celebrated the heroes who sacrificed their lives to free Europe during WWII.
Victor & Ernest were cautious at first with using the new brand name. Only putting it on the doors of their factory truck in a small blue print. Fairly quickly the name “Lorina” became more visible on labels. Traditions being sacred in Lorraine, to this day, the Mechanical top glass bottles are engraved with a drawing of Munster’s iconic village church.